
Showing posts from January, 2018

Friday, February 16th : Strawberry Wine (2008), by Dariusz Jablonski

We are very lucky to have another film introduced by our UW Polish Studies Fulbright scholar,   Justyna Budzik, PhD . She will bring us a  story that [...] is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.[...] - —Anonymous at IMDb Wino truskawkowe / Strawberry Wine , Poland/Slovakia. Director: Dariusz Jabłoński, screen...

Friday, January 19th: Finding Neverland (2004), with music by Jan A.P. Kaczmarek

Film host: our UW Polish Studies Fulbright scholar,  Justyna Budzik , PhD, with a story of J.M. Barrie 's friendship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan, with music by  Jan A.P. Kaczmarek (Jan won his first Oscar for Best Original Score on Marc Forster's highly acclaimed film, "Finding Neverland."). The film is in English,  at Polish Home upstairs, Friday, January 19, 7:30 pm. Finding Neverland :  In this drama, we are told the story of how J.M. Barrie came up with the play Peter Pan. After some failed attempts at creating a well written play, Barrie finds himself in a park playing with his dog. Several moments later he will come to meet the inspiration for his next play, four small boys and a widowed mother, who seems to be growing weaker by the day. Soon, the whole town is talking about Barrie and the Davies family, which causes some rough waters in his marriage. But what comes from his experiences is the play that comes to be known as Peter P...

Polish Movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime

Since OKO meets only once a month, here is a list of movies in Polish, with English subtitles, available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Documentaries are not included. If you are into that genre, there is a ton available! Enjoy!