
Showing posts from December, 2010

Happy Holidays to you all

What can I say?  Enjoy the holiday season, before it expires. Andre  Rieu, the Dutch violinist and composer (born 1949) should help....  Back to the  films soon. For music (greens sleeves, whose child is this) click here . aleks.

And now for the Polish speaking reader: 'Chwilami zycie bywa znosne'

Film about poet Wislawa Szymborska, literature Nobel prize laureate (1996), in 8 parts.  Below link to part one, I hope from there you can access the remaining parts. Besides  that: Happy Holidays everyone. ola Film o poetce Wislawie Szymborskiej, laureatce nagrody Nobla w literaturze (1996), w 8 czesciach.  Ponizej link do czesci pierwszej, mam nadzieje, ze stamtad latwo dotrzec do pozostalych  czesci... Poza tym, WESOLYCH SWIAT WSZYSTKIM! aleks Wislawa  Szymborska film

For the English speaking readers...

Sorry,  I have never found the English subtitles version for 'Czeski sen' or 'Angelus'.  So today an offering for the English speaking readers; a very interesting documentary  I came across a few weeks ago: 'The Century of the Self - Happiness Machine' in several installments on youtube. It's a BBC production for public television, about the role of psychoanalysis, marketing and public relations in the United States. From Adam Curtis, the same director as 'the power of nightmares'.  Enjoy! 'The Century of the Self - Happiness Machine' Go to YouTube for the subsequent parts if they are not showing here after part 1...

Polish Movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime

Since OKO meets only once a month, here is a list of movies in Polish, with English subtitles, available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Documentaries are not included. If you are into that genre, there is a ton available! Enjoy!