As promised at the last OKO meeting: 'Czeski Sen' and more...
Something to keep you busy while OKO is on hiatus till January - sorry, couldn't find any of them with English subtitles; if you know about a copy with subtitles, let me know.. Delightful young film on YouTube, cut and pasted in 9 pieces. How is it Polish? Well, it isn't, except for the Polish text read over the film. But it's quite Slavic, and it could happen in Poland or anywhere - quite a gem. Enjoy it here: The Polish Book Club in Seattle this coming Saturday is doing a book by K. Kutz 'Piata Strona Swiata' ('The Fifth Corner of the World). While at it, watch this Silesian wonder, named 'Angelus' by Lech Majewski, a metaphysical comedy from Slask. I grew up there: in Myslowice, at the very triangle of three emperors. My sister had a 'dzialke'-garden right at the triangle...