Movie to Watch: ESSENTIAL KILLING by Skolimowski (2010) War/Thriller 83 minutes

Because of the pandemic our Polish movie screenings are no longer possible. So instead, for every month we miss, a movie suggestion to watch from home. This is episode one of the series our March replacement).

Essential Killing (available on Amazon Prime)
Skolimowski at his best: frigid winter landscape, a prisoner on the run. And you, the viewer, who could clearly see from the get-go: there is no chance for survival. A "pure, elemental story," with a contemporary setting. If a trailer makes you think it is a political tale, don't quite believe it. As Roger Ebert put it: "Despite the contemporary setting, "Essential Killing" makes little point of politics. Yes, the man is Taliban and yes, he's tortured, but there are no speeches and precious little dialogue by anyone, let alone the Gallo character. It's  pure action, and then you're free to find your own parallels." If you are interested to read more before watching, this is probably the best movie review I have found on The Guardian's website: 

Cast: Vincent Gallo



Polish Movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime

Since OKO meets only once a month, here is a list of movies in Polish, with English subtitles, available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Documentaries are not included. If you are into that genre, there is a ton available! Enjoy!