Next film: Marcel Lozinski's documentaries part 2 • April 20th, Wednesday • please VOTE below
Below are synopsis of the remaining movies from two Lozinski's CDs - I haven't seen any of them (no PAL dvd player), so for compilation below used the booklet that came with the CD set, authored by Tadeusz Sobolewski. Please read and vote for the film YOU would like to see - because most of the films are relatively short we probably will be able to see several top-runners. The poll allows for multiple choices (you can vote for up to 3 movies): 1. HAPPY END / HAPPY END 1972/16' Lozinski's first film: real psychodrama taking place in front of camera and exploring themes of herd mentality and aggression of group towards individual. In this film director for the first time tries formula which he later uses in many films: artificially provoking situations he needs in order to probe the mentality of protagonists and reveal something. 2. ZDERZENIE CZOLOWE / FRONT COLLISION 1975/11' Camera is recreating the life of a model railway worker, for who...